The garden has not been doing anything since my last post, the beds are covered, tools are all put away... it looks like a scene from the apocalypse out there.
The perennial herbs have been fantastic suppliers of fresh herbs for cooking over the winter, including rosemary and sage sprigs to put in the Thanksgiving turkey, and mint for some soothing wintertime teas. Mina's little garden gave us chamomile, lemon balm, vervain, and yarrow for teas also; which are delicious and tasty! While Alex's little garden is trying desperately to grow the four pea seeds he planted in September, and may end up overwintering a couple carrots he threw in it as well.
Surprisingly the camellia I planted beside the house started flowering in October and is still producing lovely pink flowers in December. I think it's confused, it must think that this is Spring weather...
Sadly, I got some bad news about my health recently, not as bad as it could have been, but still a big issue. It will set back my plans for buying a house in the near future, and may impact my garden as well depending on how things go.
My doctors found a tiny spot of invasive cancer on my cervix. From the multitude of biopsies they did, it doesn't look like it spread any further than that tiny spot, but they will be performing a hysterectomy next month and depending on what they find once they cut me open i may have to undergo more treatment. I am ridiculously scared of chemotherapy, so my fingers are crossed that surgery is all that is needed to nip this in the bud. Of course, I'm ridiculously scared of surgery too... ;) Anyway, it has been a stressful few months and will probably continue to be for a while longer, but I am doing my best to keep my sense of humor about it and stay optimistic. But there are certain perks to having cancer, like being able to win any argument and get to eat the last cookie by playing the "I have cancer" card. (Sorry, the joking helps keep me from being too overwhelmed by my fears).
So that's what has been happening around here, I have high hopes that my surgery will go smoothly, I'll be down one major organ, and up on my feet in plenty of time for the upcoming garden season. I'm not a religious person but I am always grateful for a little prayer or positive thoughts sent my way, so thanks in advance to everyone who will be thinking of me.