Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Territorial Proves Superior Again

There has been an article shuffled around Facebook lately that includes a list of Monsanto owned vegetable seed varieties.  Meaning that Monsanto owns the trademark on that cultivar name, or the patent on a hybrid.  Since I am no fan of Monsanto I took a look at the list and found a few (not many luckily) that I had purchased last year.  So I sent an email to the Territorial Seed Co., from which I buy nearly all of my seed, to ask if they bought seed from Monsanto.

Within a few hours I was rewarded with a response.  No, Territorial Seed Co. no longer buys any of their seed from Seminis/Monsanto.  And they actually grow about 25% of their seed here in Oregon at their farms. 

You've got to respect that. I'm glad to know my purchases will not line the pockets of execs at Monsanto, a corporation who's ethics are questionable at best.  :)

Thanks, TSC, for making efforts like these to please your customers; for fast shipping, great catalogs, and amazingly fast email responses!  (My brother is still mad about his last order though, I have a feeling it was lost in the mail.)

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